Writer Tips – Newsletter
The number of topics you can use in a newsletter are infinite. A lot of great topics can be found simply by Googling “blog topics.” Over the years, I’ve collected a large number of blog topics I look at whenever I’m stump on what to write in my chatty message. Here are some suggestions:
130 Newsletter Chatty Message Ideas for Authors and Writers
- Write about/review a book you just read.
- Write about what your “day-in-the-life-of-an-author” is like for you.
- Talk about your childhood, whether holidays, summer vacations, etc.
- Talk about traditions you have in your family, whether for a holiday or just a date-night.
- What is the best vacation you ever had, where did you go, what did you do there, and share pictures.
- Talk about what you like about rainy days or cold, winter days.
- Talk about any of the seasons, and things you like to do in that season . (e.g., what’s your favorite drink on a winter day)
- Talk about an event or year that if you could time travel, you would go back to and experience it again.
- What’s a fantasy you have? (E.g., you want to sail around the world, want to time travel, want to spend a day with Henry Cavill, Tom Hiddleston, etc.)
- Name your top five favorite TV shows and why you love about them.
- Who are your top five favorite male actors, why you like them, and what character they might play in one of your books..
- Who are your top five favorite bands, songs, musicians, of kind of music and why.
- Share exclusive excerpts from WIPs or published books
- Talk about writing of your current book. Are the characters being stubborn, muse refusing to work, etc.?
- Write a character interview so readers get deeper insight to the character
- Talk about current book industry topics (e.g., what kinds of romance books are hot, news about other authors that you want to give a shout out to, etc.).
- Share some technology you enjoy using (e.g. recipe software, latest Kindle you bought, etc.)
- What was your favorite show as a kid? Do you still watch reruns? Should there be a remake?
- Write about winning the lottery. What are the first few things you’d do with the money.
- What kind of weather do you like, which of the four seasons do you love the best, and why.
- Talk about if you could witness one moment in history what would it be and why.
- List a collection of actors that would play characters in your books.
- List the first 5 things you would do if you suddenly had millions of dollars.
- What are your top five favorite foods you just couldn’t live without?
- If you could a day with someone from your past, who would that be?
- Share background stories about your published books or WIP?
- Interview readers who are your fans.
- Name several reviews of your books that you liked and why. Be sure to include them.
- Find images about reading and talk about the message. (E.g., a picture of a window seat and would it be comfy for reader)
- Did you make a list of resolutions? What were they and how many have you kept?
- What items are on your bucket and will you accomplish them do you think.
- What’s your playlist for your current WIP. If you don’t have a playlist for your WIP, why not?
- What is the day’s to-do list? (E.g.,. need to collect trash to take to the curb, sort out a bookshelf, run to the store for fresh tomatoes, etc.)
- Talk about your favorite reading app or software
- Share your top five favorite podcasts complete with what they are, why you like them, and the URL
- Talk about conferences you’re thinking about attending and whether your readers live near there.
- Showcase libraries that are famous. Research then share findings on how to get a local library to buy one of your books for readers to check out.
- Find a meme about reading nooks, chairs, offices, etc. and compare it to your reading area.
- Talk about the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done or got caught doing.
- Talk about one of the best days of your life.
- Talk about the worst day of your life
- Talk about the fact that getting old, ain’t for sissies.
- What is your astrology sign, and does the description fit you?
- Talk about hashtags, and what they are and why to look for them
- Share a free video creation site and offer a free book to someone who wins best video of one of your books.
- Show images of actors who you see as being perfect if they were cast as one of your characters in a movie or TV series
- What was your favorite childhood book. Do you still have it on your shelf?
- What is your personal family heritage, and share something special about it.
- Talk about any or all your books you’d like to see transferred to the screen.
- Give readers the chance to tell you what story you write next. E.g. you want to write a Cinderella story, and another book in a world you’ve written in. Post the idea and/or trope, and ask them to vote.
- Write about or feature someone who has been influential in your writing career.
- Do author interviews to enhance your networking.
- List things that help to inspire your writing
- Write about what a typical writing day is like for you
- What are some tips, software, online apps related to writing and reading you use.
- What about inspires your story ideas and characters
- Highlight your favorite quotes about writing.
- Talk about how you can use your favorite TV show as inspiration for characters, plots and scenes.
- Do you listen to music when you write? If no, why? If yes, what is your current playlist?
- Come up with several opening lines, then add some subsequent lines that readers can
- What do you use to store your notes and ideas in?
- Talk about writers block.
- Post a funny meme or cartoon about writing.
- Post a funny GIF about writing
- When you sit down to write, is there a routine you go through before you get started?
- Interview your significant other about your writing career. How they feel about it?
- List your goals as an author for the year
- What sort of funny mistakes have you every made in a book?
- Where did you come up with character names for a book?
- How do you choose a setting for your story? Do you visualize & act out the scene?
- How do you go about choosing a title?
- Share a To-Do list for your daily writing life
- Share research about a subject you find fascinating
- Come up with some survey questions for your subscribers, and state you will share results in the next newsletter.
- Share how you research and how much time you search for items and why
- Invite subscribers to create a video about your books at a free video site
- Talk about your favorite words to use in a book. Do you have a word you want to use but haven’t been able to yet? Words you don’t know? Words you overuse?
- Talk about what you’d have in your survival kit in the case of an emergency or the apocalypse
- Talk about things, people or places you find inspiring
- Share what your first published book was and if you liked it then and do you like it now. What do you see wrong with it or right with it?
- Talk about your current WIP’s
- What inspirational quotes are your favorites and why?
- Explain why you have chosen to write in the genre you have written in and whether or not you plan to write in other genres
- Talk about the latest news in your industry and genre and give your opinion on it. Be mindful of the fact that a controversial opinion can impact reader interaction.
- Post a philosophical question and your answer to it.
- Review movies that were based off of books and talk about whether or not it did the book justice.
- Review TV shows that were based off of books and talk about whether or not it did the book justice.
- How do you like to write? What environments can you write in and which is best (e.g., in the car while traveling, in your office, in a chair, etc.)?
- Do you have a favorite charity? What is it and why?
- List your favorite books from when you were a child and talk about how you see them as an adult.
- List your favorite book heroes, heroines and villains and why you like them.
- Your fairy godmother just showed up and tells you she’ll design your next house if you describe what you want. Describe how many rooms, what your kitchen looks like, is there a garage, etc.
- What kind of character is your favorite to write?
- What is your least favorite kind of character to write?
- Talk about what scares you and exhilarates you about your writing career.
- Share your hopes and aspirations about your writing career.
- A genie just popped out of a jar and has granted you three wishes to use for your writing career. What would you wish for?
- How many books are on your Kindle?
- How many books are on your TBR pile and name off several of them? Are they print or digital or audio?
- Have you ever thought about quitting writing? What made you keep on tryin?
- What is a book you love, that you wish you’d written instead of someone else?
- What book of yours do you wish you could rewrite and make better
- How has writing affected your life from an emotional and/or physical POV
- Share who your current favorite author is, and what books of theirs you like and why
- Write a “Did You Know?” article (use an unusual fact about a famous writer and share that with subscribers)
- Share your bucket list
- Discuss the types of books you like to read vs the types of books you like to write. IF you read a genre you don’t write in, why don’t you write in that genre?
- Come up with a TED topic and write it as the entire newsletter
- Write about things in your genre you feel are important things for readers to know (e.g., AI, sensitivity readers, things that are no longer acceptable. BE SURE YOU know your correct in whatever your say about these things.)
- Share some images that describe the setting(s) in one of your books.
- Find a specific quote you love from someone and write a chatty message about it.
- What kind of book formats, which ones you like the most (print, digital, or audio).
- Talk about a genre you secretly want to write in but fear you aren’t able to.
- Find your last store receipt. Talk about what you bought and why.
- Top 10 favorite quotes (books or movies or whatever).
- Photos of your messy house or apartment. I want to know you aren’t perfect either!
- Go ahead and write that non-sponsored sponsored post.
- A quick pro and con list on blogging. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies, be honest.
- The worst movie you’ve ever seen. (and how would you make it better?)
- If you could be an actor in a TV show, which TV show would you choose and why?
- Plan a pretend vacation to a place you really want to visit.
- Do you cry at movies that are sad or happy or does it matter?
- Do you have a hobby outside of writing? What is it? Share pictures.
- What supernatural things do you believe in or not? (aliens, bigfoot, ghosts, etc.)
- Name some thing(s) you’ve learned from TV, YouTube, or other visual medium?
- What is your daily routine? What time do you get up? What do you eat, etc.?
- This time last year, what were you writing about?
- Write a very detailed, but funny step-by-step guide of a simple task.
- What’s something that’s illegal, but you would like to do, if you could get away it?
- What housework chore do you put off for as long as possible?
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